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Ortolife Orthopedics

Our company, which was established in 2005, has been one of the leading companies in the sector for 16 years by closely following the experience, knowledge, skills and innovations.

While there are 40 narrow weaving machines in our narrow weaving group, we have nearly 50 employees who do their work meticulously and fondly, while we manufacture the lined fabric and textile by-products entirely within our own structure. As of 2017, our aluminum group production has started.


Our company, which has established its goal on growth, has strengthened its position in the sector with the inclusion of the Ortolife brand in 2009. The Ortolife brand has become the leading orthopedic brand with its quality, advantageous prices and new products developed every day in Turkey and abroad.


It is our greatest joy to continue to grow with you on this path we started to make our lives livable.

Makes Your Life Liveable

Domestic Production

We provide employment to the country's economy with the products we produce within our country's borders. Our products are domestic production.

Strong Stock

Since we manufacture our products within the borders of our country, we do not experience stock and number of stock problems, and we do not make our customers experience them either.


It has become a leading orthopedic brand with its quality, advantageous prices and new products developed every day in Turkey and abroad.

Usage Areas of Orthopedic Products

It is applied to correct the posture of the human body, to support it, to correct the disorders, to correct the joints, to improve the movements of the spinal cord, arms and legs.
These products are in direct contact with the outside of the body.

Many orthopedic products are pre-manufactured and then applied to the patient. In some cases, it can be applied directly to the patient.
Orthopedic products are produced in various sizes such as small, medium and large, and patients choose the one that best suits their body.
It is important that the product fits properly, because if it is too tight or uncomfortable, it can cause other problems.

People who need aids for walking:

• Those with balance disorders
• Those who cannot control their lower extremities
• Those who cannot give their trunk weight to the lower extremities
• Those who should not put the body weight on the lower extremities

Functions of walking aids:
• Providing the person's balance (increasing the support surface)
• Reducing body weight on one or both legs
• To support the body weight in the legs. Walking aids:
• Parallel bars and holding supports
• Walkers
• Walking sticks and sticks